Namespace Lime
- AfterAnimationStage
Identifier for after advance animation update stage.
- AllowMultipleComponentsAttribute
Allow to add multiple components of a type decorated with the attribute and it's derived types.
- AllowOnlyOneComponentAttribute
Allow to add only one component of a type decorated with the attribute and it's derived types.
- BehaviorComponent
BehaviorComponent is NodeComponent that used for scripting node behavior.
- Bitmap
Wraps native bitmap and exposes unified methods to work with images.
- Cloner
Utility class that contain methods for cloning objects.
- CompoundFont
Font class which combines different fonts into one. You can use collection of IFont in order of priority to use (if first font doesn't contain FontChar it will look for it in the next font and so on).
- CustomSetAssetBundle
Asset bundle which substitutes enumeration results with the given list of files. All file operations will throw FileNotFoundException if provided file path does not exist in provided list of files.
- DocumentHeader
When any given citrus document is serialized DocumentHeader is serialized into the output stream before the document itself.
Lime.* contains several serializable classes. Some of them (or their derived classes) are serialized directly while others are used as elements of those serialized. Directly serialized ones determine document root type. So Node is root type of a
document.Examples of citrus documents are:
- Node (tangerine scene, *.tan),
- Model3DAttachmentParser.ModelAttachmentFormat (*.txt),
- TextureAtlasElement.Params (*.atlasPart, but will be renamed to Sprite *.sprite),
- Font (*.tft).
(*.tftconf) (defined in Extensions/DynamicFont)- PackedAssetBundle.Manifest (.Manifest)
- TextureParams (*.texture)
- SerializableCompoundFont (*.cft)
- Animation.AnimationData (*.ant)
- Model3D (*.t3d) (actually also Node* kind of document)
- DragGesture.DampingMotionStrategy
Motion damping based on Gauss error function. Duration is calculated so motion lasts until min speed reached.
- EarlyUpdateStage
Identifier for early update stage.
- Editor
Editor behaviour implemented over the given text display widget.
- FileDialog
Brings access to files and folders through the dialog screen.
- FontChar
Class representing the single font character and it's geometry
- KeyboardFocusScope
Switches keyboard focus with Tab/Shift+Tab and makes the widget focused by mouse click.
- LateUpdateStage
Identifier for late update stage.
- LayerMetadata
LayerMetadata stores all layer-version pairs of a document. For example when scene is serialized it may contain Lime.Node derived types from Lime.* as well as application's types derived from Lime.Node. Thus such document's metadata should contain layer metadata for Citrus e.g. (layer: "citrus", version: 29) as well as layer metadata for an application (e.g. layer: "game", version: 17).
- LayerMetadata.LayerVersion
Data structure for compact serialization of layer-version pairs.
- LayoutDebugPresenter
Displays Layout's DebugRectangles.
- Localization
Класс, предоставляющий функции локализации
- LocalizationDictionary
Словарь локализации. Используется для перевода текста на другой язык. Содержит пары ключ-значение. Строка, заданная в HotStudio является ключом, если начинается с квадратных скобок []. Словарь подменяет ее на фразу для конкретного языка
- LocalizationDictionaryTextSerializer
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- LocalizationEntry
Запись словаря локализации
- MaterialComponent<T>
Replace owner material with specified material
- Metadata
Metadata for serialized documents.
- Node
Scene tree element.
- Node.AssetBundlePathComponent
For each root node of deserialized node hierarchy this component will be added and set to path in asset bundle.
- NodeComponentDontSerializeAttribute
Components of type marked with this attribute will be removed from NodeComponentCollection on serialization.
- NodeReference<T>
A node reference is used for referencing to a node within a serialized scene by the node Id.
- OverdrawForegroundBehavior
If Overdraw mode is enabled, adds owner to overdraw foreground RenderChain and disables rendering of a subtree (including owner) of child objects in the main render list.
- PackedAssetBundle.Manifest
This class contains a specific data needed for applying asset bundle patches.
- Polyline
Ломаная линия
- PostEarlyUpdateStage
Identifier for post-early update stage.
- PostLateUpdateStage
Identifier for post-late update stage.
- PreEarlyUpdateStage
Identifier for pre-early update stage.
- PreLateUpdateStage
Identifier for pre-late update stage.
- PreviewMetadata
Stores base-64 encoded document preview.
- RemoveOnAssetCookAttribute
Nodes and Components of type marked with this attribute will be removed from either Nodes (for nodes) or Components (for components) on asset cook.
- ShaderPrograms.ColorfulTextShaderProgram
Colorizes SimpleText's or RichText's grayscale font.
- SurrogateBitmap
Serves for Bitmap serialization only. You don't need to create instance of this class.
- TabTraversable
Controls whether a widget could be traversed with Tab or Shift+Tab.
- TangerineMenuPathAttribute
'/' Separated path to either component or node create command in menu. If path ends with '/' the command Text will be taken as is and last part of path will be treated as last nested menu for the command. Otherwise last part of the path will be assigned to command.Text. Tangerine.Core.MenuExtensions.InsertCommandAlongPath
- TangerineStaticPropertyAttribute
Denotes a property which can not be animated with Tangerine.
- Task
Sequence of actions, based on IEnumerators.
- Texture2D
Represents 2D texture
- UpdateAfterBehaviorAttribute
Defines dependencies between behaviors to control update order inside stage.
- UpdateBeforeBehaviorAttribute
Defines dependencies between behaviors to control update order inside stage.
- UpdateFrozenAttribute
Specifies that behavior should be updated even if node is frozen.
- UpdateStageAttribute
Specifies update stage for BehaviorComponent.
- Validation.MatchRegexAttribute
Validation will fail with Result.Error if string property doesn't match provided regular expression.
- WaveComponent
WaveComponent applies the wave deformation to its owner.
- Widget
Base class for any rendered object.
- WidgetContext
Represents the global context for every widget within the current window.
- WidgetInput
WidgetInput class allows a widget to capture an input device (mouse, keyboard). After capturing the device, the widget and all its children receive an actual buttons and device axes state (e.g. mouse position). Other widgets receive released buttons state and frozen axes values.
- WindowWidget
Root of the widgets hierarchy.
- YuzuDontGenerateClonerAttribute
Exclude types marked with this attribute from generating cloners for.
- YuzuDontGenerateDeserializerAttribute
Exclude types marked with this attribute from generating binary deserializers for.
- YuzuSpecializeWithAttribute
Yuzu can't generate deserializers for generic types. But it can if it knows a concrete type the generic type will be specialized with. Use this attribute to let code, which enumerates types to generate binary deserializer for, know about all generic specializations you're aware of.
- BitSet32
Representation of 32-bit array of bit flags.
- BoundingSphere
Representation of solid sphere.
- Bounds
An axis-aligned bounding box, or AABB for short, is a box aligned with coordinate axes and fully enclosing some object.
- Color4
Representation of 4-byte color (RGBA).
- IntRectangle
Representation of integer 2D rectangles.
- IntVector2
Representation of integer 2D vectors and points.
- Matrix32
Representation of 3x2 transformation matrix.
- NumericRange
Representation of numeric range of numbers around median.
- Ray
Representation of endless ray.
- Rectangle
Representation of 2D rectangles.
- Shortcut
Represents combination of a key with keyboard modifiers used to trigger an action.
- Size
Representation of width and height.
- Vector2
Representation of 2D vectors and points.
- Vector3
Representation of 3D vectors and points.
- DragGesture.IMotionStrategy
Defines a motion strategy.
- ICommand
The ICommand interface provides an abstract user interface command.
- IDisplay
Defines a display device.
- IFileDialog
Brings access to files and folders through the dialog screen.
- IImageCombinerArg
This interface must implements every node which can be used as a source for ImageCombiner.
- ILocalizationDictionarySerializer
Интерфейс сериалайзера, предоставляющего функции чтения и записи словаря в файл
- IMaterialComponentOwner
This interface must implements every node which can be used as a owner of MaterialComponent.
- IPersistOnReplaceContent
Used to prevent removal of components implementing the interface from placeholder node when an external scene is being inlined by ReplaceContent(Node). Do not use with components marked with AllowMultipleComponentsAttribute.
- ISoftKeyboard
Програмная клавиатура (для мобильных устройств)
- IWindow
Defines the interface for a window.
- Validation.IFixingValidator<T>
If it is possible to fix invalid data implement this interface.
- Validation.IPassThroughEnumerable
If validation attribute is set up upon a property which implements IEnumerable PassThroughEnumerable will decide if validation should be applied to the property itself or to each of it's elements. This stands true for nested IEnumerables. Doesn't make much sense for class validator.
- Validation.IRequireOwner
Implement this interface for you validator if it requires owner to perform validation.
- Anchors
Parent-relative layout.
- CloseReason
Defines the reason for the window closing.
- ContainmentType
Defines how the bounding volumes intersects or contain one another.
- FileDialogMode
Specifies possible dialog modes.
- HAlignment
Types of horizontal alignment.
- ParticlesLinkage
Particles move with widget they're linked to.
- TextOverflowMode
Types of text overflow handling.
- VAlignment
Types of vertical alignment.
- Validation.Result
Denotes severity level of a validation.
- WindowState
Enumerates available window states.
- ClosingDelegate
Delegate used by Closing event.
- ResizeDelegate
Delegate used by Resized event.
- SafeAreaInsetsChangedDelegate
Delegate used by SafeAreaInsetsChanged event.
New value of sinsets.
- UpdatingDelegate
Delegate used by Updating event.
- VisibleChangingDelegate
Delegate used by VisibleChanging event.